Innovative Drone Usage Month - February 15

Every month this year we’re going to be presenting you with some of the most extraordinary uses for Drones in the 21st Century. We’re going to cover the weird, the wacky and most innovative ideas and concepts for the drone industry. To kick off this month we’re starting all the way over in South America in Chile.

Lifeguard Drone

Humans can swim up to 6mph, so it can take minutes to get to someone drowning at sea…but what if a Drone could get there in just seconds? Drones could save critical time that could be the difference between life and death. One company in Chile are hoping to bring this to reality with their lifeguard drone. The idea is that the drones can get to someone in trouble quickly and deploy a floatation aid to keep them afloat while the lifeguard swims out to them. Check out this video here: